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Grant Application Form
2024 grant recipients
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Your Contact Details
Full Name
Post Code
Enter Email
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About You
Date of Birth
Are you under 18?
I certify that I have permission from my parent or guardian to apply for this grant, and that they give their consent for my videos and images to be used in the Alan Surtees Trust promotional material should my application be successful
Please provide details of a parent or guardian.
Name of parent or guardian
Email of parent or guardian
Telephone of parent or guardian
Why you'd like our help
Please give details of your most notable artistic achievements to date (max 300 words)
Briefly describe how you plan to use a grant from the Alan Surtees Trust (max 200 words)
Please outline your budget or planned expenditure and explain your costings
Tell us how a grant from the Alan Surtees Trust would help to progress your creative development and/or artistic career (max 200 words)
Please attach a YouTube link to a video that demonstrates your skills and includes a brief explanation from you about what you would do with the grant. The video doesn't need to be Oscar worthy and can include footage of you performing, talking about your ideas and anything else you think might help us understand why a grant would benefit you. NOTE: videos like this score higher in the marking process than just a link to a previous performance (maximum 3 minutes in length)
Please make sure you have permission to share this film with us. The Alan Surtees Trust will not be responsible for any copyright issues or failure to get permission from people shown in the film.
Please be aware that if your application is successful, it will be a condition of the grant that we can share this film on our website and as part of our publicity material. At this point we will need written consent from all the people in your film (including you), or from their parent or guardian if they are aged under 18. Please take this in to account when deciding on content.
Your Referee and Agreement
Please give details of a referee who has witnessed your artistic work/development. This could be a teacher or mentor, folk club organiser, or anyone else who has seen the progression of your work, but must not be a close relative.
Name of referee
Email of referee
Telephone of referee
I give permission, should my application be successful, for the Alan Surtees Trust to use my video application in their promotional material
I understand that, should my application be successful, I must submit a short report about how the grant has helped me within one year of receiving the grant, and that failure to do this may result in the grant being retracted
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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